• Cambridge Scholars Publishing

    "[On the Path to Health, Wellbeing, and Fulfilment: To Your Health] explores health from a variety of perspectives. Interpreting scientific studies and communicating the findings in an easy to understand way is a gift that keeps on giving."

    - Dr Beth Frates, Clinical Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School

Science, Mysticism and Psychical Research: The Revolutionary Synthesis of Michael Whiteman

Science, mysticism, and psychical research are generally thought to be irreconcilable; this book centres on a towering synthesis achieved by the late Michael Whiteman, an Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town. It is revolutionary; Whiteman was able to meld mathematical physics and general science with psychical research and Indian and Western mystical texts, clarified by a life-time of psychical and mystical experience, and coupled with an extensive knowledge of philosophy and psychology.

Part One is about the experience of states, spaces, and worlds other than physical. It provides essential groundwork for understanding the psychical and mystical. Whiteman’s own experience is combined with evidence ranging from quantum mechanics to the Upanishads. Part Two centres on two murder cases that Whiteman studied, as an entry to the concept of the corporate structure of personality, and the workings of the mind in personal development. Part Three covers his analysis of ancient texts based on his understanding as a mystic. His interpretations differ radically from standard treatments. Part Four investigates his exploration of non-physical existence. Part Five considers the mystical life, including Whiteman’s own, and how it relates to physical laws. The book concludes with a brief biography.

A prominent African biologist, John Poynton is an Emeritus Professor of Biology at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and a Scientific Research Associate of London’s Natural History Museum. He is President of the London-based Society for Psychical Research, and has published four novels centred on psychical experience.

"Poynton’s production of Whiteman's thinking is both instructive and captivating. Not least, it provides a solid introduction to Whiteman’s methodological basis in the form of the analytically-deductive method."

Hans Kolstad Parapsykologiske Notiser Nr.84/2017

"What makes the book, subtitled ‘the revolutionary synthesis of Michael Whiteman’ so important is precisely this synthesis of science, mysticism and psychical research at a time when, as John observes, the formalisms of established religions, classical science and materialist philosophy are disintegrating. Whiteman was a pioneer in this respect, and John has done readers an enormous and indeed Herculean service by introducing his work in such a clear and systematic fashion. There is a great deal to study here before moving on to Whiteman’s own books. This is not only a matter of reflection, but also of applying these ideas to our own lives as we ourselves must experience our own disclosure and transformation through an encounter with the Divine Source."

David Lorimer Scientific & Medical Network, 03.07.2016

"Science has been dominated for too long by a blinkered view which insists on the one-level view of reality espoused by materialistic reductionism. One of the most important proponents of higher levels of reality was Michael Whiteman. His prodigious writings combined both mystical and mathematical insights, yet they are not always easy to understand, so his contribution has been hitherto somewhat neglected. With this masterly exposition by John Poynton, his ideas finally receive the scrutiny and dissemination which they deserve. Poynton is arguably a better expositor of these ideas than Whiteman himself, so he has done a tremendous service by explaining them so cogently and comprehensively in this volume."

Bernard Carr Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London; Fomer President of the Society for Psychical Research

"Michael Whiteman was an original thinker with a uniquely diversified life. To summarize Whiteman's thought and life is tantamount to capturing a rare tropical bird, but John Poynton has risen to the task. Whiteman lived for over a century, yet his books and essays are more relevant in this millennium than they were when he wrote them. Ranging from mathematical physics to psychical research, and plumbing the depths of mystical experience, archetypes, and bisexuality, Whiteman wove a remarkable synthesis of East and West, science and spirituality, and male and female into a seamless fabric that cannot help but entrap and enrapture its reader."

Stanley Krippner PhD, Alan Watts Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University

"Wide-ranging yet concise, thorough yet accessible, this is a marvellous introduction to Michael Whiteman’s thought. It shows Whiteman to be an empiricist in the best sense, open to evidence of all kinds, whether from physics, psychical research, or mysticism. Whiteman’s ideas are still relevant, and this book gives them the attention they deserve."

Dr Paul Marshall Author of Mystical Encounters with the Natural World; co-editor of Beyond Physicalism: Towards Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality

"There is increasing dissatisfaction worldwide with the one-level naturalism or “physicalism” that currently dominates Western science and philosophy. Commensurately, there is increasing interest in attempts to expand science in ways that allow it to accommodate realities of a spiritual sort without loss of rigor. A significant contribution to this impending sea-change in intellectual history resides in the comprehensive vision crafted by polymath J.H.M. Whiteman, who combined a deep understanding of science and mathematics with an unusually rich history of first-hand experience of out-of-body and mystical states of consciousness. John Poynton’s book provides by far the best available introduction to this important but neglected body of work."

Dr Edward F. Kelly Research Professor, Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia

"John Poynton has succeeded in presenting a solid introduction to the thought of Michael Whiteman, an Australian researcher who attempted to combine philosophy, mysticism, science, and religion in a unique synthesis. [...] I thank Professor Poynton for making Whiteman’s thought accessible to the scholarly community in one handy volume."

Dr Michael Potts Department of Philosophy and Religion, Methodist University Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 81:1 (2017)

Buy This Book

ISBN: 1-4438-8019-1

ISBN13: 978-1-4438-8019-0

Release Date: 16th September 2015

Pages: 205

Price: £47.99
