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25th June 2021

Book in Focus

A Theory of Spin Vortices in a Physical Vacuum Consisting of Quantum Oscillators

By Liudmila Borisovna Boldyreva

A Summary of the Key Findings

A Theory of Spin Vortices in a Physical Vacuum Consisting of Quantum Oscillators may be considered as proving the ancient Greek adage: “Only they who see the unifying principle in all the diversity of the universe possess the truth, only they, only they.” It shows that fourteen physical phenomena can be explained by just a few physical concepts. These physical concepts and physical phenomena are listed below.

The physical concepts are as follows:

1) The superfluid spin current transforming angular momentum between spinning quantum objects. Y. Bunkov, V. Dmitriev, and I. Fomin were awarded the Fritz London Memorial Prize in 2008 for their studies of spin supercurrents in superfluid 3He-B.

2) The pseudomagnetic (of a non-electric and non-magnetic nature) interaction between spinning quantum objects. Researchers of pseudomagnetic interaction include A. Abragam, M. Goldman, V. Pokazaniev, and G. Skrotskii.

3) The precession motion of photon spin. The experimental basis of this is three-photon annihilation of electrons and positrons with total spin equal to one (orthopositronium) (2000).

4) The creation of virtual photons (pairs of virtual particles) by quantum objects. This concept was advanced by Nobel Prize winner R. Feynman in 1949.

The physical phenomena, on the other hand, are as follows:

1) Particle-wave dualism (the wave-corpuscular duality).

2) Quantum non-locality (quantum correlations of quantum objects and magnetic vector potential).

3) Spin-orbit interaction.

4) The existence of relativistic mass.

5) The generation of energy in rotating magnetic fields.

6) The superluminal propagation of an electromagnetic field near an antenna (an oscillating electric dipole).

7) The effect of cavity structures.

8) The anomalous magnetic moment of electrons and positrons.

9) The results of some optical experiments (such as the equalization of the speed of light in an inertial system; longitudinal and transverse Doppler effects; the Fizeau experiment; and the equalization of the speed of light in an inertial system, taking into account the formula for the transformation of photon energy in an interaction with the system).

10) Superfluidity and superconductivity.

11) Ball lightning.

12) The action of biologically active substances in ultra-low doses, and the effect of low intensity physical factors on biological systems.

13) The effectivity of some magic rituals.

It should be noted that phenomena 1-8 have not had any physical explanation at present.

The Background of the Book

This book has been rendered necessary due to the following tendencies in science and social development:

  • Active research of the cosmos.
  • The creation of a great number of robots and artificial intelligence systems fulfilling various types of tasks.
  • The expansion of research connected with the transmutation of chemical elements.
  • The creation of medical devices capable of determining the results of the actions of biologically active substances in ultra-low doses and the effects of low intensity physical factors on biological systems.
  • The active investigation of the capabilities of the human brain and its psychic

A Detailed Focus on a Single Chapter

At present, scientists suppose that the third millennium will be devoted to biophysics and, in particular, to the action of low-intensity physical factors on biological systems. Taking this into account, the extracts from the following chapter are given here:

Chapter 10: The Effect of Biologically Active Substances in Ultra-Low Doses (ULD) and Low-Intensity Physical Factors on Biological Systems

The following aspects are considered.

  1. The Effect of Biologically Active Substances (BAS) in Ultra-Low Doses (ULD) on Biological Systems (BS).

Ultra-low doses have concentrations of 10‑13М or lower. Note that the introduction of a substance in doses of 10‑12 – 10‑13М into an organism will result in about 10 down to 1 molecules of the substance contained in a cell. That is, at concentrations of less than 10‑13М, there will be, from the point of view of classical physics, no molecules of the substance in a cell. The levels of biological organization at which the action of BAS in ULD is revealed are quite various: from macromolecules, cells, organs, and tissues to plants and animals.

Analogies between the properties of the effect of BAS in ULD on BS and the properties of a spin supercurrent are considered.

  1. The Effect of Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation on BS

Electromagnetic radiation is referred to as low-intensity radiation if its flux density is less than 1 μW/cm2. It has been shown that the same physical process underlies the action of both an ultra-low dose of BAS and low-intensity electromagnetic radiation on BS.

  1. The Effect of Field-Free Magnetic Vector Potential on BS

The magnetic vector potential affects the characteristics of the spin vortices created by quantum objects in the physical vacuum. Thus, the effect of magnetic vector potential on BS may be similar to that of BAS in ULD or of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation.

  1. The Effect of BAS in ULD on BS through “Information” Matrices

The information matrix may take part in the transfer of the characteristics of BAS (in particular, the values of precession frequencies) to BS. The information matrix may be a light beam. The light beam, particularly a laser beam, passing through BAS may be modulated by the frequency of BAS.

  1. The Quantum Correlations between BS

According to the principles of quantum mechanics, the transmission of diseases from one BS to another is possible by means of quantum correlations.

The conducted experiment suggests that the probability of the transmission of diseases must also be high for identical twins. Quantum correlations are accomplished by spin supercurrent

  1. The Effect of Cavity Structures on BS

There is much evidence for the influence of cavity structures (pyramids, empty honeycombs, porous materials, and bundles of long tubes, among others) on BS. It has also been shown that the cavity structure’s effect on BS may be accomplished by a spin supercurrent.

  1. The Effect of Metal Nanoparticles on BS

The main applications of metal nanoparticles (NPs) in medicine are targeted drug delivery, treatment, diagnosis, monitoring, and control of diseases. The metal nanoparticles may be used against viruses. The features of the interaction of NPs with BS are determined by the action of spin supercurrents.

The possibility of a combined use of all the above-listed methods for treatment of serious diseases is also considered.

A Condensed Introduction

It is shown in the book that the same physical principles may explain the physical phenomena in various areas of physics.

The Research Methodology

The book’s research methodology consists of the following:

1) The study of the physical processes connected with spins of quantum objects.

2) The analysis of many physical phenomena and the search for their explanation on the basis of these physical processes.

3) The classification of the physical phenomena explained.

4) Based on studies of physical principles, the prediction of physical phenomena not yet observed.

The book is intended for readers specializing in physics or biophysics, as well as those who are interested in scientific literature on this topic.

Liudmila Borisovna Boldyreva graduated from the National Research Nuclear University, Russia, where she defended a dissertation on processing results of physical experiments. For 30 years, she has studied the properties of the physical vacuum, which made it possible to explain such phenomena as corpuscular-wave duality, quantum correlation, the action of biologically active substances in ultra-low doses on biological systems, and the influence of form of ambient bodies on biological systems. She is the author of three books and more than 30 papers in different journals, including “An Analogy Between Effects of Ultra-low Doses of Biologically Active Substances on Biological Objects and Properties of Spin Supercurrents in Superfluid 3He-B” (2011), “The Cavity Structure Effect in Medicine: the Physical Aspect” (2013), and “Quantum Correlations – Spin Supercurrents” (2014).

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